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Unión Emiratos Arabes Argentina Australia Austria Belgia Bulgaria Bielorrusia Brasil Canada Suiza Chile China Repüblica checa Alemania Dinamarca España Estonia Ethiopia Finlandia Francia Reino Unido Grecia Hong Kong Croatia Ungria Irlanda Islandia Israel Italia Jamaica Japón Libanon Luxemburgo Moroco México Paises bajos Noruega Nueva Zelandia Perú Polonia Portugal Paraguay Romania Federación Rusa Singapur Slovakia Suecia Turquía Taiwan Ukrania Estados Unidos Vietnam !country_serbia;
some maintainance
2018-07-04 00:45 von yetzt
the captcha is now replaced and the website should be on full https now. but the old code isn't up to scratch any more, so a complete overhaul is probably in order soon.
fixed maps, submissions working again
2014-10-24 23:06 von yetzt
your patience finally paid off, submissions are working again.
Problems submitting new places
2013-10-12 23:30 von yetzt
At the moment subission of new places seems broken. We are working on it and asking for your patience.
Flattr us.
2010-05-28 12:33 von yetzt
As you may have noticed, you can give us flattrs to support Thanks for fattring.
Additional domain
2010-04-13 17:04 von yetzt
We've acquired Thanks to the former owner.