The Olive Tree


Sodeco Square


Teléfono: 01-1248448

Descripción y oferta

The Olive Tree is mainly a vegetarian organic/health food shop, but it also has a catering delivery service and a cosy corner where you can eat. It opened in mid-February 2015 as the first explicitly vegetarian restaurant in Beirut after the shop was refurbished.

The food is very good and apart from one dish (with cheese) everything is vegan. The ingredients are organic where available. The Olive Tree has a quite international flavour ranging from Escalope to Spaghetti Bolognese to lentil and chickpeas curry. The chefs de cuisine are continuously experimenting and trying new recipes, such as gluten-free bread.

Portions are not big at first sight, but they turn out to be filling anyway. With between 13’000 - 16’000 LL (about 9 - 11 US-$ or 7 - 9 Euros) for a main dish the prices are inexpensive to moderate - and if you consider that they use organic ingredients where possible it’s quite inexpensive.

The people running the shop are very committed and they try to boost the vegan and health food community of Beirut and raise awareness about animal rights and ecological issues.

Staff are extremely friendly and open for suggestions. Different staff members speak Arabic, English, French, Italian and Portuguese.

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Vegetariano con ofertas veganas

Vegetariano con ofertas veganas

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